South Dakota Nutrient Research and Education Council
The purpose of the South Dakota Nutrient Research and Education Council (NREC) grant program is to solicit and publish research of science based nutrient management practices specific to South Dakota to enable producers to effectively manage their resources.
Individual awards are based on the application submitted to, and as approved by, the NREC and are subject to the terms and conditions incorporated either directly or by reference to the following. The principal investigator is responsible for adhering to the terms and conditions included in the following document: SD NREC Grant Program Terms and Conditions
The funding cycle for projects begins January 1 and ends on December 31 of each year. Proposals should be prepared on an annual basis (12 months). Multi-year proposals are permitted, but will be reviewed and approved on an annual basis. Research must be done in South Dakota. Out-of-state researchers are encouraged to collaborate with researchers in South Dakota.
2024 Proposal Timeframe:
Researchers are to submit 2-page pre-proposals no later than August 15, 2023.
September: NREC will select projects for full proposals by September 11, 2023 and submission instructions will be provided to those advancing in the competition shortly thereafter
October: Full proposals due no later than October 13, 2023
December: NREC may invite researchers to give a brief proposal presentation in early December 2023; full proposals will be selected and investigators notified by mid-December 2023.
Topics of Interest
The following topics are provided as examples. Researchers are encouraged to submit proposals on these or any other nutrient research area.
Research and update NPK fertilizer recommendations in:
No-till crop production systems for corn, soybeans and small grains
Reduced or conventional tillage crop production systems for corn, soybeans and small grains
Research the need for micronutrients and sulfur for corn, soybeans and wheat.
- Research the use of nitrogen stabilizers for corn and small grains in no-till and reduced tillage crop production situations
Research and update the various fertilizer application placement techniques to compare the effectiveness of fertilizer placement on response for crops grown in South Dakota
Research the effect of existing and new best management practices on fertilizers and water quality
Research the effect of soil type and tile drainage on water quality
Research of carbon and how it affects nutrient management
Preposals should be no longer than two pages, and be in a pdf format, with the following information:
Title: Convey the focus of the project, as well as the potential location(s)
PI and Collaborators: Include names and affiliations; and the contact information for the PI and co-PI(s) including the email address and mobile phone number.
Summary: Include justification, objectives, planned deliverables, impacts, and proposed budget. Please use non-technical language.
Goals and Objectives: Indicate the overall goal and specific objectives.
Justification Statement: Please indicate why this research is needed, as well as the new advances and information expected to be contributed by the project. Also describe the anticipated economic and environmental benefits to producers and the public.
Work Plan: Summarize the methods to be applied to achieve the objectives of the project, and include a description of plans to communicate the results to stakeholders and the public.
Timeline: Describe the timetable for the project.
Project Budget: Provide estimates for the annual budget as well as the total budget if the project spans more than one year. Indirect costs for facilities and administration may not be included in project budgets. The budget does not need to be detailed in the pre-proposal. A detailed budget will be requested in the full proposal competition.
For those at SDSU, submit via InfoReady after logging-in with your regular SDSU credentials. For those from other institutions, go to https://sdstate.infoready4.com. Register into the site using the box on the left hand side that is designated “log in for other users.”
Under “Funding Competitions” near the bottom of the page, you will see a blue link on the left hand side with the Title “2024 South Dakota Nutrient Research and Education Council Preproposals” – click on that.
If you have not used InfoReady already:
You must log in, click on your name (in red - in the upper right hand side) & set up your User Profile.
Those who are invited to submit a full proposal will receive submission details at that time.
For questions or comments, contact the Angela Loftesness, South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station at SDSU, (605) 688-6732 or angela.loftesness@sdstate.edu.