South Dakota Nutrient Research and Education Council
Acquisition of a Truck-Mounted Hydraulic Soil Probe for Subsampling Soil
Calibration of Nitrogen Requirement of Oats Grown for Grain in South Dakota
In-season N Application in Corn to Improve Fertilizer Efficiency in Eastern South Dakota
Survey of South Dakota Producers’ Current Nutrient Management Practices
Building Potassium Fertilizer Guidelines that Include Soil Classification Information
Sulfur and Nitrogen Dynamics for Rye Raised as a Cover Crop
Sulfur source and application timing effect on soybean yield
Acquisition of a Combine for Soil Fertility Research Trials Crop Harvest
Acquisition of Nutrient Applicator Package on Planter
Engaging, Educating, and Empowering Agriculture through an Interview-based Podcast
Fertilization Management to Reduce Potential Yield Declines Following No-till Adoption in South Dakota
Fertilizer N Rate Recommendation Update for Corn
Identifying Nutrient Loss Hot Spots in Tile Drainage
Influence of Nitrogen Stabilizers and Application Dates in No-Tillage Corn Production on Nitrogen Use Efficiency and N Losses to the Atmosphere and Groundwater
Investigating Fertilizer Response and Requirement in High Protein Soybean Varieties
Investigating P and K Fertilizer Application Timing and Management Strategy on Crop Yield, and Nutrient Uptake - Equipment Acquisition and Research Initiation
The impact of phosphorus soil test level differences on crop response, phosphorus leaching, and phosphorus runoff under long-term no-till management in South Dakota​